One of our Core Values is Financial Security. We feel this is crucial for all of us. For entrepreneurs such as ourselves, we have also learned to value Quality Time and the Energy that life’s passion brings. For those reasons, you will find that most of our “Busyness” blog posts focus on the essentials of Time, Energy, and Money!


Before buying things because you “deserve” them, try reflecting on two very important questions.


Can You Improve Your Life?

Do you ever put off personal improvement until you have “more time?



Some of you may like to make New Year’s Resolutions at a time like this and some of you are finding, on this first week of January 2024, that you have already broken your resolutions! So, do you just put off trying at this point and tell yourself “I’ll pick this list up again on December 31, 2024?”


Paper or Plastic?

In a previous generation, this used to be a question at your local grocery store, referring to what type of bag you wanted your groceries in. More commonly, today, it refers to what type of currency you are using to pay for the groceries! And bags cost extra!
So many of us use plastic cards today for all of our purchases! Do you ever have trouble keeping up with and recording the receipts? I do! Was it credit or debit? Can I find the date on the receipt? Can I find the dollar amount on the receipt? Have I recorded that receipt, especially the credit charges, so that, when that credit card statement arrives, and it will sooner than I want it to, I will not be surprised at what I am responsible for!


This is my Blog Post

Ut laoreet sem urna, ut laoreet elit finibus eget. Nullam eget nisi at libero mollis feugiat non nec lacus. Vivamus facilisis quam quis ante placerat molestie. Suspendisse elit nisi, fermentum et accumsan sit amet, convallis eget urna. Nulla rhoncus elit nibh, eu accumsan leo molestie quis. Morbi vel lacus ut tortor rhoncus ullamcorper. Class aptent…



Do you ever find that the more time you have, the easier it is to waste? Maybe that’s just me, but it seems, when a person stays home for a whole day,wouldn’t you think we would be able to get so many more things done? And yet, we think we have extra time, so we watch a TV show, take a nap, or work in the yard, still planning to get the same work projects done that day that were originally scheduled. Well, it hasn’t been working out so well thus far.



If you have not developed that Monthly Budget, then this conversation is for you! A “Bare Bones” Monthly Budget can start out quite simply. Here are the steps!


Are You In Decision Fatigue?

By the end of the COVID pandemic, I was fatigued! Fatigued with decisions! Was it “safe” to attend an event, or “not safe?” Can I travel this week? Do I need to wear a mask? What mask looks good/feels good today? And these were just decisions in addition to the daily ones, such as what do I wear today, what is the meal prep today, who needs my attention/to be checked on, what are outside activities for this week, what are my work tasks today? I am still recovering from that year!


Do You Have A Plan?

How often has it happened that you just made a trip to purchase paper towels, tissues, cough drops, deodorant, and, yes, toilet paper, when the next day a family member declares he or she “has no more shampoo!” So, … back you go again! Next week it could be something else that someone can’t live without! Exhausting and time consuming, right? It can be expensive too.


How Can Problems Help Us Win?

Have you ever approached a problem with “If I want something done right, I will just have to do it myself?”

I have spent much of my life with that thinking. But then, I have to ask if that approach is really a good way to teach others? You really cannot count on someone else just observing the way you do something and learning all there is from that! Communication is a huge ingredient in the problems we confront each day. Maybe lack of communication is how a problem started. Maybe communication is why a problem is not getting solved.


Budget Form

“If you measure something, you can understand it. If you understand it, you can control it, and if you can control it, you can improve it.” The same holds true in your monthly budgeting.

The reality is that it is nearly impossible to complete & follow a monthly budget without improving your overall financial position. There are several reasons for this, so I would challenge you to do this.

First, just developing a budget for yourself will raise your awareness of what you have for revenue or income sources and then also boost your cognizance of how much you are spending each month. Next, you will come to grips with the reality of one of three facts. Either you need to boost your income sources, reduce your outgoing expenditures or, thank goodness, if you have more income than expenses, you can then save some money. Of course, this is fantastic! You just need to determine where you will store or invest those extra funds each month…

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