What Are You Passionate About?


What Are You Passionate About?

Doesn’t it seem like the word ‘Passion’ has become a buzzword recently?

What does that even mean? The definition I think most closely relates is:

intense, driving, or overmastering feeling or conviction

With that definition in mind, ask yourself what are you passionate about?  What, in your life, makes you jump out of bed in the morning and seize the day? What keeps you moving throughout the day? What causes you to make plans for tomorrow, and the next day, and the next?

I find that it is hard to manage things I am not passionate about.  Let me say it again –

                      “It Is Hard to Manage What You Are Not Passionate About”

Not passionate about your job? Is that why a day seems to go on forever, and drain the energy from you quickly?

Not passionate about your free time or personal life?  Is it because you are not thinking outside of yourself and what you might be able to do for someone else?

Not passionate about your spiritual journey? Is it because you are trying to do it alone instead of within a community?

Not passionate about your relationships with family or friends?  Is it because you are not trying to communicate and understand where they are coming from?

Not passionate about the clothes you have hanging in your closet?  You liked them once. Is it because they don’t fit well anymore?

So … if you don’t feel Passionate about anything right now, then:

Look beyond Yourself

Identify Where You Need Renewal

Change How You Manage Your Life in That/Those Areas

Budget Form

“If you measure something, you can understand it. If you understand it, you can control it, and if you can control it, you can improve it.” The same holds true in your monthly budgeting.

The reality is that it is nearly impossible to complete & follow a monthly budget without improving your overall financial position. There are several reasons for this, so I would challenge you to do this.

First, just developing a budget for yourself will raise your awareness of what you have for revenue or income sources and then also boost your cognizance of how much you are spending each month. Next, you will come to grips with the reality of one of three facts. Either you need to boost your income sources, reduce your outgoing expenditures or, thank goodness, if you have more income than expenses, you can then save some money. Of course, this is fantastic! You just need to determine where you will store or invest those extra funds each month…

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