How Do I Remember It All?


How Do I Remember It All?

                Do you feel as though you have too many things to remember?  We are inundated with so much information each and every day, aren’t we?  Some days, it’s hard to keep track of all of it!  I have always been a “list maker,” and a recent event reinforced the value of making lists to aid in our “remembering system.”

                A family member packs a briefcase for a week’s worth of client visits.  Because of the lack of accessible WiFi to connect to on some of these client visits, this guy always carries a MiFi, a mobile hotspot device, available through his mobile phone provider.  Well, lo and behold, he was so used to having it in his briefcase that he did not doublecheck before leaving to see these clients and found on the first day, he had left it behind in the home office.  We all become so accustomed to things being in a particular location, don’t we?  Then we forget that they got moved one time, and that totally throws us!

                I bring up the value of lists once again:  Lists create systems.

Do we need a packing list for a briefcase that gets used every day?  For all of you that carry so much more than just a laptop in your briefcase, this idea might spark some interest.  Take a few minutes, when your briefcase is packed, to list its contents.  Then keep the list ready for the next travel adventure!

                If you feel lists would be advantageous to you, you can find our Grocery Shopping List or Toiletries Shopping List in the Store.

Budget Form

“If you measure something, you can understand it. If you understand it, you can control it, and if you can control it, you can improve it.” The same holds true in your monthly budgeting.

The reality is that it is nearly impossible to complete & follow a monthly budget without improving your overall financial position. There are several reasons for this, so I would challenge you to do this.

First, just developing a budget for yourself will raise your awareness of what you have for revenue or income sources and then also boost your cognizance of how much you are spending each month. Next, you will come to grips with the reality of one of three facts. Either you need to boost your income sources, reduce your outgoing expenditures or, thank goodness, if you have more income than expenses, you can then save some money. Of course, this is fantastic! You just need to determine where you will store or invest those extra funds each month…

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